Michael Burgos
Neurosomatic Therapist
#MA89851, #MM34822
Michael’s story
Michael Burgos expressed an interest in biological sciences from a very early age. He was a pre-med major at the University of North Texas before deciding to enlist in the United States Navy. He initially thought he would serve as a combat medic; ultimately found himself working in a meteorology post, analyzing weather patterns for the Navy.
After completing his tour in 2014, he embarked on a journey of self-improvement and sought ways help heal others. During his search, he found a YouTube video by Eliot Hulse, a well-known fitness professional and self-improvement advocate. It was in the video that Michael first learned about Neurosomatic Therapy and the Center for Neurosomatic Studies. Michael was intrigued as he watched as a student completed a postural assessment with Mr. Hulse. Soon after, Michael visited the school and received treatment from a student therapist, and from there he was hooked. The student therapist that treated him spoke medical terminology and educated him about his postural distortions, why they were causing problems, and how she intended to correct those dysfunctions. He was so blown away by that first treatment that he signed up for the school for the following semester.
Michael enjoyed his experience so much that he stayed after graduating in 2017 and served as a volunteer teaching assistant for the Advanced Technique class. He also began working as an anatomy tutor. The following semester, at the behest of the current Advanced Tech Instructor he was appointed to a teaching assistant post for the class. He has taught the accelerated anatomy program at the school and has clocked in over 140 hours of one-on-one tutoring sessions.
He became a Neurosomatic Therapist because he finds great purpose in alleviating the pain of others. He knows NST can change lives and is dedicating to helping others heal and move on with their lives so that they can achieve their potential as well.
Experience The Many Benefits of Neurosomatic Therapy.
NST offers an effective solution to many chronic pain issues including headaches, back pain, neck pain and even learning disabilities.
Get In Touch
(813) 820-3030
1112 Kyle Wood Ln,
Brandon, FL 33511
Monday - Saturday
9:00am - 5:00pm by Appointment
Sunday — Closed
MA77362 - MA89411- MM 34822
Brandon Pain Treatment Center
1112 Kyle Wood Ln,
Brandon, FL 33511
(813) 820-3030